There are already a few Sekolah Kebangsaan in a 3km radius of Taman Tasik Prima ...(as seen in the attached picture) and only 1 Chinese school (SRJC Han Ming) and 1 Tamil school (SRJT Puching Bt. 14), there definitely is a need for more vernacular schools to be built there. Interestingly, Han Ming was built in 1921 and houses 3’800 students (much higher than the other schools in the area which we have the data for). And as Yak Chee and Catholic High also have a surplus of students and waiting list for its enrollments, the building of their branch schools in the area is logical. Why then does the Education Ministry still insist on rejecting the application from these schools?
Source: https://www.facebook.com/KamiMintaSekolah
sigh, very angry and dissapointed when i saw Wee Ka Siong and Muyiddin's statements in parliment yesterday.
Also - to the racist who never understand SRJKC, they will never understand why the needs. use beer opener to open their eyes and also they wont understand. all in their mind is just racist racist bullshit schools, whilst never knowing their prejudice had taken away the quality education of our children. all in their selffish mind is - "no, dont allow something that *i think* it is so", which come to two words - fucking ignorance.
please use your precious vote next election. This is for your next generation's future.
Deeply regret voted for them in the past, this is how they repay us by treating our children like sardines
It is not too late.
wait until you see the classroom, you'll be shocked! my nephew study at Han Ming Std 1, over 50 little boys and girls packed into a tiny classroom, worse than sardines....sad...sad...sad...
Yup, It's not too late to change
UMNO, MCA, BN, why do you want to support such a cruel regime? watch:
The dark past is still present, mistake was made, time to wake up and change the course of our future.
All please vote smartly in next election! for a better next generation future!
we actually need to 'rayu' to get a SCHOOL built for our children...sad. Perhaps in future we'll need to 'rayu' for every single needs...sigh.
Let's vote for our future...
The street light from Tekali all the way down to Putra Prima is down again, everytime after downpouring / heavyrain it break down, & im sick of sending mail to MPS,anyone can give / propose a more drastic approach on this issue?
Sekolah untuk semua..kenapa nak bezakan mengikut parti politik?Biarlah murid cina,melayu,india, dll belajar dlm harmoni
i thought sekolah kebangsaan is for all races.... wtf? since when it is malay school? fucking racist pig!!!
Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan(C) & (T) oso for all races. All Malaysians have the right to choose school they like for their children. U fucking racist!!!
FYI, for more than 60000(figure?) primary kids in SRJK(C)/(T), their parents picked SRJK(C)/(T) for them. Well, they r non-chinese/indian. those kids have the right to enjoy good facilities same as kids in SKs
The tax-payers in Puchong will vote for parties who can fulfill their needs. Watch Out Racist!!! -- Vote carefully if u r not
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