land-clearing activities started a few days ago near Phase 4B
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
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Anyone know what's going on?
New phase launching, Plenitude taking ballot registration.
huh! Serious new phase again!
It's already quite compact in our area and now still want to develop more phases?it will be jam like hell!
the two locations were reserved for phase 6A and 3E, i tot they r going to launch phase 2C first next to X2?
Also land clearing opposite 3B, beside the single storey shops. Looks like this piece of land if for school.
New phase double storey link house?
new phase will be launched in June, superlink 2 sty and 3 sty, rm700k to rm900k
wow.... worth that much?
i saw price 600K and up on Plenitude's whiteboard....
A big blow to X2 buyers.
Yes, starting at rm600k plus for 2 sty, this one is located next to X2 and very limited units, most are 3 sty, will b launched in November
All the plan for schools gone! All the buyers kena tipu..
I not really want a school in our TPP. Is already quite compact. I cant imaging if the school is built. Is only one lane in each in direction. We will stack in jam early morning and evening.
You must expect "jam' when you choose to stay in Klang Valley area. Otherwise, the price of your properties is not as blooming as today. That is pro and con... Unless you tell me that you are renting a properties, then yes..massive jam.
So if ur properties going up to 100k ~ 200k are u going to sales it??? No Right!!! If yes then u r going to buy other properties with higher pricey........ this is same theory brother......
Property price is going down everywhere...Dont follow last year's property sentiment.Its not the same for this year.The curve will be slow..
I think you did not get the point, I am not saying I want the properties price increase, I have a kids, he will need a school one day. When poulation going up, it will attract other amenities such as new access road, hypermarket, shop, infrastucture etc. This is a growth chain. Is it a good news to our next generation. Majority parents will thing of this.
if u dont want school in your taman putra prima because of congestion bla bla bla.... dont fucking build it in my fucking taman!!!
SRJK Yak Chee2 & SMK Katholik 2, please come to Taman Putra Prima if resident in Taman Tasik Prima do not welcome you.
Yes, agree with Chan Boon Chew.
u all gila ka... want a scholl in tpp??? making jam only especially when the fucking parents just simply park their cars just to send their so call clever child to scholl!!!!!
Friend, like it or not land for school was reserved in almost every housing project, TPP included. irresponsible parents parking their car without due consideration and blocking the way and caused jam is a problem of civic mindedness and it should not be an excuses for you to reject the school to be built in TPP. The traffic problem that we faced is the result of lacking civic mindedness in the communities and poor town planning of the government. It is enough with one wrong (poor town planning & lacking civic mindedness), save another one for not building the quality school in the neighbourhood. Two wrong doesn't make one right!
+1 like
to Chan Boon Chew's post
Boon Chew, the problem is i can say almost all parents are irresponsible... This in fact happens everywhere, not just a few taman...
To me , prevent is better than cure.... Unless u r very sure a proper system is put in place to avoid all this MESSSSS!!!!!
So, you are saying that in order to prevent the traffic problem, therefore we should not have school in TPP?
So where do you think is the right place to build a school if it is not near to the community?
Do you propose to build the school in the middle of a jungle?
Or you are not concern whether the gov build any school at all because of reasons that only you will know?
It amazed me of how short-sighted, how narrow minded, and how mindlessly selfish a person could be. It saddens me further that this kinda ppl stays in our TPP neighbourhood.
Calling people gila for building schools, and generalizing picture he sees from a school and apply 'em to all, while in the mean time trying to convince others to believe the same.
That's the problem with the world today, selfless people don't exist anymore. It's all selfish people living across our streets. I stayed in US for 8 months, I liked the people there, helpful, selfless, cheerful to be around. Back here, I am just sad that we dont have the same folks, never will.
just to imagine u're going home from work.. oredi jam at ioi mall for hrs especially a lot of construction work over there now... thought of finally reach home in tpp but ooopppss jam again for a simple reason " fucking parents irresponsibly parking all around" waiting for their child.... dun u feel sick....
cumon la, dun think of urself only, think of others oso... so who is selfish??
if u r so proud of US, migrate there la.. y cum back to this sad place...
friend, you have not answer my question of where do you think is the right place to build a school.
Who is selfish? do I ask for the gov to build a school just for my children to study and bar other people to send their children to study in that school?
Tell me who is selfish? I think the answer is very clear.
after finish work and jam few hrs on the way home, by the time u reach home, the school will b long closed adi... u stupid ass!
Malaysian citizenship is granted and protected by Yang Dipertuan Agong. Anybody asking another malaysian to leave the country is an insult to Yang Dipertuan Agong.
watever la... bla bla bla...
if the developer plenitude do no want to reserve some land for school development, then you all bark like a MAD DOG oso no use...
ha ha ha
come on la, school is a basic amenities!!
what a low quality ignorant barking in this blog!!
"if the developer plenitude do not want to reserve some land...."? ignorant!
Those sucker who can still cling on to the power is due to the presence of this type of low quality voters in this land.
Land reservation for school in housing area is a requirement by the government not plenitude wanted to give it to you out of their gratitude. Stupid!
time will tell, whether you get a school or not...
dumb dumb
plenitude might as well reserve the land for new phases... can make more money
Land was reserved for school. There shouldn't have any ambiguity. Of course in this bolehland, anything can happen. you know lah give somebody some money and the ghost also can work for you.
So you objected to the building of school in TPP in the name of traffic problem but ok with the construction of multiple 20+ storey condo/apartment in TPP?
i would be much hapier if a huge shopping center can make it in tpp..
a good example is 1utama...
ppl go to bdr utama is bcos of 1utama not because there is a school............
dun b so naive lahhh
Hi guys dunt forget another important point related to traffic jam: anyone can do the favour to tell plenitude to build another exit to main road? So we dun have to pile up at the stupid roundabout daily
er... in actual, is there a school in tpp?
I when to developer office said 2 and 3 storey house launch in October 2012. I saw the design of the house modern and nice. Totally different from the previous Phase.
dont be like tasik prima which the school land became mosque land now. I wish school can come to taman putra prima. mosque, pls stay away...
I always like mosque, it unite the people
I notice the pond (next to new phase 6a) not well kept compared to the pond next to 8a, you can see a lot of rubbish dumped around the pond, can plentitude do something?
How is the new phase 6a? Plan to book a unit ,but worry about the environment there... Any advice?
Dont't buy!!!!My advice is don't buy, the road and soil condition there unsafe, sunken road and sinkhole was cuased by the poor workmanship from the developer.
How about The Peninsula by TA Global beside TPP? Good buy?
Dear Sifu, is the latest phase 3E a good buy giving that nowdays new landed property hardly below rm1mil in Klang Valley. Any new access road from TPP to Elite highway?
3E 2sty Super Link starts from RM930K, right? It is under 1 million but it has reached the record high. If u have budget, just go ahead because I hardly find similar house with BU and design + FH title in Puchong.
Eventhough TPP is relatively far from KL, I will not deny that it is located within Klang Valley because TPP is just next to Klang river if u check google map.
If u search for old house, it is possible to get a landed property below 500K in Puchong but the size at 18x60. Current access to Elite is via Bandar Saujana Putra.
Thanks for your reply. The design is quite good and with some rebates, I would seriously consider to get a unit there thou I guess will be choking paying up the installment but that would be 2years later. I am just hoping there will be another access from Taman Mas to Elite.
Hi, Im planing to book a unit either in TPP6A or 3E...
Just wondering the problem of flood and road hole have been solved or not......
And..... a bit worry about the water rention pond which is next to 6A....
I have the same worry as the owner of 6A. However, if you buy a house close to a lake, will you worry about the lake flooded? It is normal if you worry. To be practical, I have visited the site several times. The water retention pond is normally dry. In normal condition, water flows in the drainage. The drainage was almost dried up during March 2014. When heavy rain pouring, you might see the water level in the drainage goes higher and entering into the water retention pond. The purpose of having water retention pond is to keep the additional rain water which is unable to be discharged immediately. Water should not overflooded from the pond. Of course, in worst case, the water volume might goes beyond the estimation in extreme weather. If you really worry about this, 3E seems has lower risk of water overflooded from the pond. You may go to visit the site after heavy rain and make your decision to book a unit. Yesterday, it was raining heavily. I should go to inspect the condition of water retention pond yesterday but did not go because I was rushing home.
I saw in lowyat forum did talk about 3E phase.
i'm 6A owner also, the pond is not an issue for me, the thing i'm not happy is the developer not keep their promise. they said will built the small park/playground near the 6a entrance. but end up the story is - the park is not yet confirm…how come???
It seems like no extra land to build a park in 6a.
Don't know can get the cf by this year end?? Can't wait to move in there ... Hehe
All potential buyer for TPP...
I dont know whether you all know abt the Puchong Utama (Aster d/sty link hse))project or not ?
How is it if compare to 6A or 3E ??
i prefer TPP!
Appearance of TPP 6A is more elegent.
no school and no mosque in Taman Putra Prima!!!
Why suddenly you said like this? Anyone says that want to build school and mosque in TPP?
School still acceptable but Mosque? A BIG NO...
We have Indian temple located beside the water tank. Why nobody complain?
There is also a Chinese temple in Taman Mas. Why nobody bother? Why just bother the Mosque?
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